Ace of Pentacles
This week we have the Ace of Pentacles!
This is a great way to really jump into August. The Ace of Pentacles is the first card in the suit of Pentacles. Pentacle's speaks about our earthly needs, resources and money.....great for our month of abundance!
As we look at August, the 8th month of the year, we are now holding the vibration of the abundant and infinite 8. Abundance comes in many forms, not just money, it's about keeping in the infinite flow, sharing where you can and not forgetting to be open to receive. When I see this weeks card I think about what abundance is being offered to us. Where are we open to receive? What have we been seeking? This is a great month and a perfect week to really get manifesting as well!
Be open to receive as this is a perfect combination to have this week! Keep in flow by being open to receive and also sharing the abundance you can. Donating your time, old clothes, money etc.. are great ways for us to keep in flow and be a blessing in another person's life.
A great easy practice in manifestation is to write down all the things you wish to bring into your life on a piece of paper, put it in the abundance corner of your home (far left corner from the front door) with a citrine on it OR you can place it on your fridge where you can see it and read it everyday OR BOTH!
Also! Do check out this month's Journaling for Balance episode 1!