Knight of Pentacles

This week we have the Knight of Pentacles.



     Slow and steady this week. The Knight of Pentacles is about methodical and steady progress towards our goals. He is the slowest moving knight with his heavy armor but, he is wise in knowing how to utilize his energy in the manifestation of his dreams. Sometimes the quickest way is not the best way. Reaching our dreams is done daily by the choices we make and how we choose to use our resources.

     Last week we had the Ace granting us a great new beginning and this week is asking us to really be methodical and purposeful in our actions towards our goals. When I see the Knights heavy armor it reminds me that sometimes we carry around more weight than may be necessary. The armor that could be protecting us may also be what it holding us down. It could be emotional, mental, etc... when in reality, if it is not serving a purpose for us anymore it's a reminder to free ourself from it. It is easier to go in the flow when we are less weighed down by the things we do not need. 

     Approach this week with purposeful and methodical actions. Really let the inner wisdom of your Soul speak to you. Your goals are attainable and you are just as worthy as another. Keep your heart and mind aligned as you take your steady progress forward. The steps you take today help build your tomorrows♡

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