Client Agreement

Welcome! It is an honor to have the opportunity to read for you. Please read this information carefully. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the details about working together so that we both are clear as to what each of our respective roles are and how our communication will take place so that our time will be positive, productive, and comfortable.


This Agreement is being made between Alyssa Miller of Greenlight Messages (“Spiritual Psychic/Medium/Shamanic Practitioner/Reader” or “me”) and the individual identified below in the form (“Client” or “you”).  We both legally agree to the following:



During the Session, you can expect that I will:

  • Have prepared myself prior to the reading through prayer and meditation

  • Devote my full attention to you during our time together

  • Ask your permission to read for you

  • Connect with Spirit during your session. As honored as I am to read for you, I have no control over who in spirit chooses to step forward or the message/information they will bring. I trust that the people and the message that comes through are for the highest and best.

I expect that you will:

  • Arrive promptly at the time specified for our session

  • Show up on time without distractions

  • Be honest in giving validation about the information you receive

  • Promptly provide payment for the Session as specified in this agreement

  • Be open minded to the process and let go of expectations about what is going to happen or what you are going to hear

  • Have a question in mind when you come for the reading, or you may ask for a general reading


Scheduling and Timing


If you need to reschedule an appointment, you need to do so at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled time by sending an e-mail to me at



Our time together is important. If you need to cancel your appointment, you need to do so at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled time by sending an e-mail to me at If you do not contact me at least 24 hours in advance, this will be considered a missed appointment.


Investment and Payment


You agree that you are financially willing and able to invest in this Session by choice, and that by so doing, you are not incurring any economic hardship in any way.

Your investment is determined by the service requested and payment must be made no later than 48 hours prior to our scheduled appointment.


For ease of payment, I will provide you with a Paypal invoice which will be sent to the email address that you have provided to me, which will allow you to manually pay it by the date due on the invoice. If you prefer to pay on the evening of your appointment, please let me know.


Missed Payment

If payment is not received by the date due or there is a problem with the payment transaction, you will be notified by e-mail and you will have 8 hours from the time that I send the notification to make the payment or your Session will be cancelled.


Refund Policy

It is my intention for you to be happy with your Session. However, because I have no control over who or what information may come through in a reading, no refunds will be provided.



Confidentiality is important to me. I will keep all information exchanged between us during the Session confidential. I will not disclose any information that you share with me during the Session to anyone else unless: (1) they have a legitimate reason to know such information as a member of my team or staff, (2) when required by law, or (3) you have given me prior written permission.

Intellectual Property Rights

I retain all ownership and intellectual property rights to any materials that may be provided to you prior to, during or after our Session, including all copyrights and any trademarks belonging to me. All content and materials are being provided to you for your individual use only and with a single-user license which means that you are not allowed or authorized to share, copy, sell, post, distribute, reproduce, duplicate, trade, resell, exploit, or otherwise disseminate any portion of the materials, electronically or otherwise, for business or commercial use, or in any other way that earns you money, without my prior written permission.


Personal Responsibility, Disclaimer & Release of Claims

Personal Responsibility & Assumption of Risk

You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for yourself and all decisions made before, during and after your Session. You accept full responsibility for your choices, actions and results before, during and after this Session, and you knowingly assume all of the risks related to your use, misuse, or non-use of any information provided through the Session. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for your actions.



I have been diligent in my continued study of psychic, mediumship and shamanic practices to provide the best possible Session that I can for you, but the information I give to you during a Session is for your own use and for informational and educational purposes only. There are many factors that influence results, so no guarantees can be made as to the results you will experience through this Session. You agree that I am not responsible for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, for your financial earnings or losses, or for any other result or outcome that you may experience through this Session. Nothing related to this Session is intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice in any way. For specific questions related to a medical or mental health situation, consult your own medical or mental health professional. For specific questions related to your financial, legall or tax situation, consult your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. For specific questions related to religion, spirituality, or faith, consult your own clergy member or spiritual healer. Do not start or stop taking any medications because of anything you have read or received through this Session. By accepting this Agreement, you agree that you are also consenting to the full Disclaimer.

Limitation of Liability, Indemnification, and Release of Claims

I will not be held responsible in any way for the information that you request or receive through this Session, including my services, products, and materials and any other information you have received from or through me. You agree that you fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release me from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that you ever had, now have or may have against me in the future that may arise from your participation in the Session, including all services, products, and materials, to the extent permitted by applicable law.


Other Important Terms


If either of us want to terminate the Agreement at any time, we both agree to notify the other at least 2 days in advance by e-mail. Even after termination by either of us, all of the terms of this Agreement, including all of the Investment, Refund Policy, and Intellectual Property terms, will still apply to both of us now and in the future.



All correspondence or notice required regarding the Session shall be made to me by e-mail at and to you at the e-mail address you provided when you scheduled your appointment. Should your e-mail address, billing information, or contact information change at any time throughout the Program, it is your responsibility to provide your updated information to me within 2 days of any change.


Entire Agreement, Assignment, Survivability and Waiver

This Agreement contains our entire agreement. This Agreement may be modified or amended at any time as long as the amendment is in writing and signed by both of us. You may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone else, and the obligations under this Agreement shall survive indefinitely unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. If I choose to waive or not enforce one or more terms of this Agreement, it does not in any way limit my right to later enforce every part of this Agreement.


Governing Law

This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the County of Prince Georges in the State of Maryland.


Dispute Resolution

Should we ever have any differences, it is hoped that we could work them out amiably through e-mail correspondence. However, if we are unable to seek resolution in 14 days, we agree now that that the only method of legal dispute resolution that will be used is binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, jointly selected by both of us, unless we both agree otherwise in writing. You understand and agree now that the only remedy that can be awarded to you through arbitration is the full refund of your Payment made to date. No other actions or financial awards of consequential damages, or any other type of damages, may be granted to you. We both agree now that the decision of the arbitrator is final and binding, and may be entered as a judgment into any court having the appropriate jurisdiction. You also agree that should arbitration take place, it will be held in the County of Prince Georges in the State of Maryland where my principal place of business is located, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasonable attorneys’ fees and all costs necessary to enforce the decision of the arbitrator.



If there is a dispute between us, you agree to not publicly or privately make any negative or critical comments about the Session, my business or me, or to communicate with any other individual, company or entity in a way that disparages my business or harms my reputation in any way, including on social media. In arbitration or when required by law, of course, you are not prohibited from publicly sharing your thoughts and opinions.

By accepting this Agreement, we both acknowledge that we have read, understand, agree to and accept all of the terms in this Agreement. Electronic signatures of this Agreement are permitted and enforceable. You agree that you have had the opportunity to ask me any questions prior to accepting, and your positive confirmation of understanding and aceptance indicates that you are in agreement with all of the terms of this Agreement.

Client Consent Form