Page of Wands

This week we have the Page of Wands.



Welcome back!

     The Page of Wands gives us the energy of enthusiasm. He brings us the courage to take risks. He also inspires us to move forward on new adventures and travel. This card is like a spark of fire to ignite our flames and get us moving! It's that burst of energy when we feel our tanks are running on fumes!

     When we approach our life with enthusiasm, we are more open to learn and experience from a pure place. We approach our life and adventures with fresh eyes and an honest open heart. We let go of jaded views and are open to receive all the experience has to offer.(If you get a chance read the last 2 weeks channelings by Quan Yin.)((This is helpful as it ties into this energy.)) As we take our journey of life we experience a great number of things, some great and some...not so much. The important thing is to learn from each experience and grow. We become wiser and ideally keep a positive attitude despite how crappy any previous experience has been. It's not always about what happens to us, it how we deal with it♡

     As I look at the Page of Wands, I think that we have a great fiery energy with us this week to keep us motivated. For some this can mean a literal new adventure of travel, possible relocation of job or home, even both! For some this could be a new adventure on a soul level or even passion being ignited.  When I see the Page of Wands I get excited because it is a card of getting things done. It is a very supportive energy for us when utilized. Like with fire, it can be helpful or it can be destructure depending on how we work with it. Use this burst of energy in your favor!

  ♡***If you would like a personalized tarot reading, do reach out to me! We can set something up through skype or I can do an emailed reading!  Lots of love to you! Enjoy your week!***♡


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