7 of Wands
.This week we have the 7 of Wands.
Welcome back!
This is quite interesting to follow last weeks 4 of Wands. The 7 of Wands speaks about standing in your truth and fighting for what you believe in. It does not mean starting the fight but to keep the moral high ground and speak from your truth with passion. Our last weeks 4 of Wands was about foundation and joy and this week's 7 of Wands tells me that to keep a good foundation we have to continue to fight for it when the times of challange come along.
We may find ourselves feeling a bit combative or on edge this week but, we have to remember to speak from our hearts with truth and love. Life is always full of challenges and curve balls, it is how we respond and work through these challange that effects the outcome. Our response also effects our ability to cope with them. Much of the time mind over matter is a very fitting statement. Attitude does effect our ability to progress forward.
Keep in mind that challanges come and go. It is the challanges and adversities in life that help us grow. They push us out of our comfort zone. They help us break down the walls that seperate us. We don't fail in these challanges unless we learn nothing from them. Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for the truth in your heart and speak the words with love. We can be fierce and compassionate ♡