Love and Unmasking the Wounds

Hello Everyone!

When I asked my guides what is most important for Humanity to know at this time, this is what they said.

Love is the language that is Universal. It is love that brings peace to chaos, understanding to confusion and healing to pain. It is within love you see the reflection of truth and true identity, All Souls know love. It is what you are born of and when you feel it deeply, you will know the revolution with it. It is returning home to your natural state of being. Love is not just a word, it is a vibration. It has many voices and shines through many actions. At times it is hidden and clouded by fear or grief. Underneath the shroud of fear and grief is wounding needed to be healed.

We want you to know dear ones, that love is the Universal language. We want you to see the true loving beauty you have within you. You may have feelings that shroud your heart from giving or receiving love. We ask you not to judge these feelings but to observe them. Look at them as though they are layers down to the gem in the soil. As you dig through these layers you uncover more of what is clouding you from expressing your true nature…Love.

We understand that as you dig through these layers it can be quite difficult. We see you put them there as a way to protect the precious gem that is your true nature. The dirt that covers the gem is conditioning and experiences brought about by living incarnation after incarnation. Just as you can wear a mask and remove it, so too can these layers be removed. They are masks of old hurts or protection that serve as struggle to your true expression. You can uncover these layers and remove these masks by acknowledging them and asking them, what it is they do to serve you. You see dear ones, these layers or masks have truth and love at the heart of them. In their own way, they are seen as protection for you. It would be like putting layers and layers of shades over your window until the Sun is eventually blocked out completely and the room is dark. You do not need to live in darkness. The Sun shines just as your Soul does. Let the sunshine remind you of the light within you.

When working through your layers, know that underneath it all is the true essence of who you are. Be gentle with yourself as you uncover these layers or masks. They once served a purpose for you. As you observe it you may see how it is still serving a purpose. One you still may be working through. Do not judge yourself harshly dear ones. When you understand that the root of each mask or layer is something put in place to protect yourself, you will see where love and understanding will dissolve this layer/mask into essence that will then help your true nature grow stronger.

You are in true essence, Love. Your Soul vibrates the energy of love. You come from true love and to it you will return. It is the discovering process that brings you to Earth to incarnate. It is to learn more about yourself and who you are underneath the layers. You are Love and are here to share love. Its a reminder of Heaven on Earth. Let your true nature be uncovered. Let your true face shine. Over time you will come to see just how familiar it really is for you.

The healing through the wounding is no easy task dear ones. Love yourself through the layers. Observe, ask, receive and let your true nature shine. In love we speak to you and love we see within you. Let us help you shine.

Alyssa MillerComment