Seeking with an open heart

Hello everyone!

I have another channeling to share with you. It is great to get back into channeling again. Life with little man is so very rewarding and yet it keeps me very busy too! We are settling into our new home here in the pacific northwest slowly but it feels good to be back. I will be posting as I can and do keep an eye open on facebook! I do random card pulls when I get free time. Anywho…to the reason you are here!

When you search for the light among the darkness, do you look with tunnel vision or do you look with eyes wide open? Are you aware of what your eyes can percieve peripherally? Much of the time we hear the request for guidance yet, we must work within a narrow field of view to show you the way. We see the frustration when you do not see the signs you have been asking for.

When you look over a vast horizon dear ones, do you only stare at the Sun as it sets or do you marvel at all the colors of the evening sky? The request for help is always answered dear ones. Always. It is when you see it that the ah ha sets in and you understand the answer. Ask yourself when you seek to find the answer, Am I seeking this with an open heart? Are my eyes open to percieve? Am I willing to recieve the answers guided to me or am I looking for one answer to be seen? Seeing only the Sun blinds you to the other possibilities. Are you seeing the magic in the evening sky created by all the possibilities around you.

To seek with an open heart is to ask, then know the answers come. It is to wish upon closed eyes and to view with a fresh perspective once your eyes have opened. It is not always that you will recieve the answer you want to hear dear one. It is the truth we share with you. The truth can be gentle and kind or it can strike hard like an arrow. When you take in this truth, you feel it resonate within you. You know on a deeper level and you feel this. It strikes a chord within you and pleasent or not, you have the information you need to move forward.

The human experience is unique, it is full of immense beauty and yet it can be full of deep sorrow and pain. You can experience such a polarity within a single lifetime. This is what makes the human experience so vast and desired by so many souls. It is rich rich with magic and potential and in that chaos you have this glorious experience. You live in a volitile world, volitile in the way in which these polarities can shift. You humans have such a magic about you and within you. So we ask you, When you seek to find the answers to your questions, will you seek with an open heart? Will you seek with an open gaze?

The answers may not be what you expect but, will be the truth to what you need. We are always guiding you, we walk beside you with every step. Sometimes we must remind you that the path forward is not always a direct root nor a straight line but, it is movement forward. Do not judge where you are by where another is. It is not a race dear ones, it is your path to enlightenment, seek it with an open heart. Let your eyes be open to see all that is around you. No matter the answer dear ones, know that we walk right beside you every step of the way.

Alyssa MillerComment