Looking at Fear and Feeling Powerless
Here I am! Back into channeling again, yay!
Powerless-ness and fear are not your natural state of being but, are a natural part of the human experience. We want to remind you dear ones, that this state of consciousness has grown an energy on the planet that will take some time to dissipate. If you are feeling heavy and tired, know that this will change. Fear is the master of manipulation and, holding a human form gives you a unique attachment to it. You know as a Soul you are boundless and free. With a body comes limitations. As an example, It would be painful to break your arm so, you do things in a way where you do not break your arm because you know its limitations. As you grow you understand what will bend and what will break. As a Soul, these limitations do not apply. You are an essence of everything in the Universe.
We understand that the human experience comes with limitations but, not to the extent you perceive them. Much of the time you identify with the body so strongly you forget the many other aspects of you. Your body has limitations but, your Soul does not. Touching back to fear, fear is an aspect of human form. Fear plays the role of the safekeeper, like a guard at the door. This gatekeeper would be at the door to where your Soul is housed. From inside you feel safe and warm. Comfortable with all you need, your creature comforts and necessities. Your power is then given to the guard at the door, your sense of safety and well-being is given to the guard at the door, as you live with your creature comforts. Life and adventure are experienced when we have a healthy relationship with our guard at the door. When we assess what is best and what is not. When we give this guard all of our power to assess how we live our life the guard would say to us, “stay inside this is safe, You know your surroundings and you know what to expect.” After a time, the Soul goes '“I have done this day after day and I have watched many sunrises and sunsets without feeling the fresh air in my lungs or the soil beneath my feet.” After a time the Soul will say “I need to honor this experience, this lifetime as a part of Earth, I am made of her elements and it is only natural we share experience together.” So Soul animating body rushes out the door past the guard and says “Thank you. Thank you for keeping me safe in the best way that you knew how. I take my power back, I take my safety into my own hands and embrace adventure once again.” No longer will I need to give my power to my guard but, to have them as a level headed friend at my side. As we incorporate this guard as an aspect of ourself again the ability to live more whole becomes reality.
We must not let our guard or fear take our power and keep us locked away. We must incorporate our guard as part of who we are and carry a healthy sense of caution with us, not a dictation of fear. When we give fear our power, it holds us prisoner. The illusion of safe place. As a Soul incarnate yes, you have limitations of body but this is not all of who you are. The human experience comes with a birth and a death, Soul does not. Soul exists for eternity and does not know a true death. Remember dear ones, to honor you. All of you. Fear is a master manipulator that has ruled this world for far too long. We are here to remind you that fear weakens your human experience. It weakens the zest for life within you. You are not meant to incarnate just to suffer. You are meant to thrive! To bring your magic into the world. To combat the fear and powerless-ness; you do this by thriving, by living your incarnation day-by-day. You are here to thrive not just survive.
My channel has a mantra of respond not react, respond with love and react only when necessary. This is a powerful form of learning to harness one's own power on a deeper level. It is tricky in life to learn power and control for they are not the same. One does not necessarily equal the other. You may have the power to do something but no control over the outcome. You may have the power to get behind the wheel of a car and drive yet, you have no control over the other drivers on the road or if at any given moment a part of the car malfunctions unexpectedly. Some things are out of your control in life. How you deal with them is yours and within your control. Will you respond with calm, love and patience or just react by impulsive nature? This is where you get your power back. You cannot control the beautiful chaotic world around you but you can control how you respond too and live within it. Ultimately, you will see your unity within it.
Thrive dear ones not just survive! Thank your guard for their service and live in the beautiful world around you. Feel the air in your lungs the sun on your skin and the soil beneath your feet. You like all others are born of this world and it's time you remember your unity. Fear is a tool, a whisper of caution, not a ruler of your life. Your Soul animating your body rules your life. Honor this aspect of who you are and thrive! You are your power, it cannot be used by another as it is you. Embrace you and thrive.
In love we remind you that you are not alone and life waits to greet you just outside the door.