How long after conception does the soul enter the body during pregnancy?


We have another fantastic question for Wondering Wednesday!


How long after conception does the soul enter the body during pregnancy?


The soul enters and leaves the body multiple times during this gestational period, during the growth of the physical form. The soul to incarnate finishes up the last of the structure in which he/she wishes to live. From the view of the soul this would be like finishing graduate school, making future plans and finishing classes in that last precious time before completion. The soul works with the mother while the body develops, they have an influence over how their form is to be presented. They influence their forms growth by working with the vessel or mother in nutrition, exercise and much more. It is a multi step process for both the vessel and the growing fetus. 
The soul enters and exits the form to influence its growth and to connect to the vessel/mother. This is a time when deep connection starts, it is knowing the soul to be your son/daughter on a level where communication is uninhibited, without the folly and misunderstandings of spoken word. The knowing of one another through spirit, through telepathy-the first language. So you see there is no exact time when the soul enters it's form to be, he/she comes and goes at will, all in connection to the mother as well as to influence the form he/she will take. Some souls fully enter at the moment of birth while others may choose sooner. The soul to incarnate works with the vessel/mother for a great time before conception, it is a beautiful process humans posses and it is to cherish each step in that process for this, is the magic of life made manifest. 
Is there advice for the mother?
Do not worry every detail for this time is strong in intuition beyond the science. You must follow your inner guidance and know that the soul to be your newborn is working with you. Trust and Love. All is well. 
Alyssa MillerComment