This week we have the Temperance card.
Balance, patience, and moderation are the biggest influences of the Temperance. The angel stands between soil and water pouring water from one chalice to the other signifying balance. The triangle on the gown speaks about foundation and the rising sun shines forth new beginings. It takes patience as well as moderation to keep in the flow. If we jump impatiently we may loose ourself in the tide so it is best to take those steps of moderation to keep from getting swept away.
When I see the Temperance it always speaks to me about balance and patience. To be able to dance inbetween two worlds. To be in the flow, and manifesting with ease. It's a delicate dance that takes focus, patience and moderation. Moderation to not get swept up in one world or the other but to work with the magic of both. We live this human experience in body yet, we are Soul and the world of spirit is just as revelant as our physical one.
What I feel our message is this week is to be patient. To not overdue it with any one thing. To not overdue it in one world or the other. The Key to flow is keeping in balance. If you have a very busy work week, remember to take time to play and rest. When we do things in moderation we are less likely to burn out. When we remember how incredible we are, how talented and gifted we are, we are reminded that we have the power and life is what we make it. With balance, patience and moderation we can keep charging forward steady on our path with good foundation headed toward our new beginings.
Slow and steady! Don't overdue it! All things come with patience and time♡ You just continue to work your magic♡