9 of Pentacles
This week we have the 9 of Pentacles
Welcome back!
This is a great message for the week! The 9 of pentacles is about gratitude, indulgences and luxury. This is so fitting to follow yesterdays Monday message too! In this card we can see a woman enjoying time in the garden and listening to nature as she walks with a bird perched on her arm. This week we are being asked to take some time to indulge in the beauty and joys of life.
Life is not about just achieving the next big thing, it is something to be enjoyed. We work so hard day by day that sometimes we forget to stop and enjoy all it is that we have currently. We live in a society where there is always a push to be successful. You may have worked very hard for that nice car but do you ever get a chance to drive it? Are you paying for a time share that you never enjoy because you are too busy? It is like we say "someday I will enjoy these things", but when does that day come? The day you decide too!
We live on such a beautiful planet and this beauty is part of who we are. Its natural for us to play in nature, to be with trees and exchange breathe with them. This card is asking us to just enjoy life. This week do something to indulge for yourself. This week our task is to enjoy all the luxury and beauty around us. After all, these are the moments that create the beautiful memories we treasure forever.
Have a beautiful week and take some time to truly enjoy yourself. Immerse yourself in the things that make your heart sing. Really live your joys this week!