9 of Wands Reversed
Welcome back! We have the 9 of Wands this week in its reversed position.
First let's get into what the 9 of Wands represents when in its upright position. When it is in its upright position it represents someone or something that has withstood many battles and although tired from the fight will stand and fight with every fiber of their being until there is nothing left to fight. This week we have the influence in reversed, now I am seeing this as a weakened influence and not it's reversed as much. I feel this card is saying that some battles are not worth your energy and time. Don't sweat the small stuff and allow your defenses to relax a bit. You have the power to achieve and overcome obstacals in your path but at what end? To what extent are you willing to go to win?
Facing obstacals is part of our daily life, some are minor annoyances and some are heavy, yet they bring us great wisdom. Nothing is in vain, all things come with a gift, it is how you view these things and how you deal with them that dictates the gift. Sometimes we don't see the gift through our own emotions or near sighted view of what we think should be. In these instances it is best to flow with the currant and work with the things you can. All will make sense in time. We have the ability to change our perspective at anytime.
This week could be more of a challange, I feel that somethings are going to come to a head and will be finalized win or loose. My advice would be to reserve your energy and take on only the obstacals that matter to you. Fight if it's worth fighting for. Life is not what happens to us, it is what we make of it. Finally, take some time to bring balance this week, if you are feeling defensive or easily agitated allow yourself to let that energy go. Do something kind for yourself. Let the little dramas go and allow yourself to find some rest and peace. Enjoy life and live it up! It is all what you make of it!♡