2 of Cups

Hooray the 2 of Cups!



Yay! The 2 of cups is a fantastic influence for this week! If we break it down...2 relates to balance as well as partnerships and cups are water and our emotions. This is a card of union, coming together in a partnership with another. This could be a love relationship or it could speak of a person coming into your life to partner up on a project you love. No matter the details this is a great partnership! 

I also feel this card is speaking about a partnership with Spirit. What I mean by Spirit is...growing a closer connection to your spirit team, your guides, angels, loved ones and so on. No matter religious views or non religious views, I feel this card is saying that it's going to be a week of love and deepening relationships. Some of you may find a new love this week and some may find they are falling deeper in love. Love and relationships is our theme this week! Go forth this week shining your beautiful hearts expressing love! 

~Until next week!

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