Holding the light among turmoil and chaos
Hi Everybody!
Welcome to Wondering Wednesdays! Great question and this answer was powerful. Thank you for this question and thank you to spirit for the answer!
What steps can we take to keep calm and hold the light among all the turmoil and chaos in the world?
Answer from Spirit:
Peace comes from being peaceful within, it starts by working with the turmoil and chaos within ones self that the reflection of this can be seen in your outer world. For all humans have free will the choices you make are solely your own and no other is accountable. You see you are all a thread in a tapestry weaving together life on this planet Earth, whatever frays and damage may be a part of your strand effects the tapestry. It is You. You must continue with working on yourselves to help create a harmonious outer world. We see this is hard for you because you do not always align with the will and actions of another. They are not wrong in their place, they are expressing the inner turmoil outwardly and this turmoil finds its image in another and amplifies. It is as though you are placing two mirrors in front of one another all it does is continue its reflection.
You see your actions and outer world are a reflection of yourself. Many of you choose to see the wounds and not the beauty, it is all to common to hear the complaints and less of the joys and victories. Many people live from this wounded state and create chaos because this is what they know. To them it is as though this is just how life is, not looking through a different lens or a different view. Many see the world through these wounds, align with it and thats "just how life is" The dis-empowerment in that is strong. The wounds get reflected back and because of this view no other options are seen, so this wound plays over and over all the while gathering its mirrored wounds in another. You see it is when you work on your wounds you do not see them reflected in others, it is as though you just dropped your bags along your way and kept going. You free yourself making yourself lighter and walk your path in a truer expression of the soul.
You hold the light by being light yourself. The chaos and turmoil in the world around you reflects less and less as you cease to align with it. Now i know some of you are asking but how can this be? I don't identify with these situations but as a mass consciousness you do. The "soul" of society is still evolving and growing, while some parts of this society soul are more aligned with peace, others are not, it is this dual parts of society soul that reflect the world around you as well. The goal is to be peaceful as your piece of the "society soul" or "over soul" to help bring more lightness to it.
Now you have asked for the steps you may take and I can tell you that you must work on making yourself a more peaceful and lighter being by healing the wounds within you. This helps you on evolutionary growth for yourself and the society soul as well. There is no a.b.c take steps 1.2.3 to get there. It is about you, the thread you are in the tapestry of the world that helps create a clearer image of what the tapestry is. You must follow your inner guidance to know what steps are right for you. Express the pure authentic you and this is how you hold the light.
We are here to guide and help you, all you must do is ask. We can help you lighten your load and express the true you but in truth you must do the work. We cheer you on and help you from our side of the veil. We commend you for being a part of Earths evolution at this time and we believe in you. Lighten your load, be at peace within and you will see this reflected outward. We know this journey is not easy but we are here for you. Just ask. With love we are grateful to share with you. Radiate peace beautiful ones.