10 of Cups

This week we have the 10 of Cups


Welcome back!

This is a great positive message for us this week! The 10 of Cups is about joy, fulfillment and, harmony. It is the happiest and most joyful card in the tarot. It can also speak of harmonious unions like marriage or new positive partnerships. If you have been seeking out these virtues, they are definitely present this week!

When we look at our lives, we see our past and we plan for our best future. In all things we must remember to take the moments of joy and really embrace them. It can be easy to get stuck in monotonous pattern's of day to day life….we wake up, go to work, come home, take care of responsibility there and forget about the fulfillment we need on other levels, emotional, spiritual or what have you. This card is a reminder to embrace the joy and to live a life on a harmonious level where all aspects of our lives see fulfillment.

Take time this week to enjoy yourself. Enjoy your life. Look at your blessings and honor all the needs and dreams within you. Remember we are multifaceted beings and in that we must honor all aspects of those facets. Do something nice for yourself, do something fun and embrace the joys this week. Having the supportive energy of the 10 of Cups tells us to be open to receive this week. Allow the good to flow in and to truly enjoy it.

♡☆ Let Harmony flow in, let struggle flow out♡☆

Alyssa MillerComment