The Empress
This week we have The Empress card.
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The Empress card! I must say I love seeing this one♡ She is a representation of the divine femanine. Her crown holds twelve stars representing the months of the year and mastery of the cycles of the seasons. She is the embodiment of spring and fertility as well. Something new is coming to fruition this week!
As I tune into this card I feel our message is to embrace the creator within us. We all have the potential to birth our hopes and dreams into being. If you have an idea that has been gestating in your mind or heart for a while, this is a great sign to nurture that seed or idea within you. I also feel that this is a good week to work with the divine femanine and the femanine nurturing side of ourselves. To keep a good balance we have to work with both the femanine and the masculine but this week we are seeing more support from the femanine.
With the Empress also being the representation of spring it is so fitting that she would show as spring has just begun! This is also a great sign for those looking to conceive a baby♡ Let's embrace the creator within us this week and nurture our seeds. Lets use this energy to bring our hopes and dreams into being. We are the conductors of our symphony of life, it is up to us to create the pleasing melody and this week we have a little extra energy to help♡
This April is all about creativity in my Journaling for Balance series on youtube♡ You are just in time to start week one with us♡