2 of Swords
This week we have the 2 of Swords.
Welcome back,
Looks like we may be at an impasse this week. The 2 of swords is about being stuck inbetween two choices. Both swords are of equal length and weight symbolizing the difficulty of choice. The blindfold can be a sign of being objective on a decision or trying to turn a blind eye to it. How do we make a decision when both choices weigh equally on us?
We turn to other aspects of ourselves. We look to our hearts when our minds are stuck, we listen to the words our soul speaks to us. We are multifaceted and multidimensional beings. We can call in the help we need but, we must remember we are always in charge of ourselves, our actions and decisions. We are the paver of the roads we walk.
Finally the 2 of Swords can speak about something being blocked emotionally. Honoring ourselves does include our emotional state of being as well. We don't need to hide this aspect of ourself. Let the emotions flow with respect to not letting them take control. A scream into a pillow or a ugly cry is healthy to keep emotional health flowing.
Not all choices to be made are sad, some can be exciting, like choosing a new job or place to live for example. I feel the biggest key is to remember we are multifaceted beings. We have many aspects of ourselves to draw on for support, as well as friends and family. Honor the weight of the choices but do not allow ourself to stay frozen in indecision. Don't worry about making the "wrong" decision, make one and move forward♡ Life truly is what we make it, we will make mistakes along the way, we learn from them, become wiser and make better choices next time around.
♡Live your life, pave the path the best you can and don't worry about the rest. It's your journey♡ Live it and love it♡