5 of Cups

Welcome! This week we have the 5 of Cups.


Well, this is not the ideal influence for the week......but it is better to be aware then caught by surprise. The 5 of cups speaks about a low energy of sadness and depression. When we look at this card we see 5 cups. 3 spilled over and 2 upright just behind him. He is so focused on his loss that he does not see the 2 cups behind him. He suffers in the same place staring at what he can not remedy, if he can raise his head up and change his view he will see that not all is lost. He is too caught up in his own emotional state to look from a different view.

Sometimes this card speaks to me as crying over spilled milk. Somethings can not be undone but it does not need to consume you. I think we all can agree that life is not always sunshine and roses. We deal with a lot of things day to day, week to week and year to year. This influence feels that it ties in a bit with last week but the energy will change. This influence is a state we progress to when we don't look from another viewpoint and we sit unable to help ourselves. Do not stay in this space. Be aware of what you have within and all around you.

Mourn any loss you feel hurt by but, do not let it consume you. We can't always control what happens in our lives but we can control how we deal with and get through them. Staying in a place of depression and sorrow does not help you grow, feel it but then allow yourself to move forward, it may resurface from time to time but remember you deserve to be happy and live life filled with Gusto and joy. Do not deny your feelings, just don't let them consume you, don't let it snuff out your flame. You are never alone with your spirit team standing by always ready. Help yourself and love yourself, you matter and know that this too will pass, it may pass in a difficult way... but it will pass. Keep your head up, you have a beautiful life now, in this very moment and you can make it what you want it to be♡

Lots of love to you♡

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