Knight of Pentacles Reversed
Our Knight of Pentacles is reversed this week.
The energy of the Knight of Pentacles is slow moving and steady like an elephants walk through the tundra. When he is in his upright position he would talk about the slow and deliberate move forward but this week he is in his reversed position. This week has some carry over from The Hanged Mans energy of last week. With this reversal we are in a place of stillness and stagnation. This week we don't have any energy behind us propelling us forward so, like the influence of the hanged man we need to take some time for rest and introspection. When things or situations in life hit a stand still it gives us a moment to pause, reflect and reassess where we are and what we are headed towards. If a project or idea is just not moving forward no matter how much energy you put into it, put it on the shelf for a bit and return to it later, now many not be the ideal time.
Use the energy this week for reflection, planning and self care. This down time is great for writing down ideas and creating plans to put into action after the stagnation has lifted. Like from last week, if we push too hard we can burn out then we are forced to take the down time we need. Use this period of calm to your benefit, sure enough the energy will pick up again and we will be busy moving forward. Honor the energy and the place you are in.
☆Light and Love♡