10 of Wands
This week's tarot is the 10 of wands,
The 10 of wands speaks about being stretched to thin and feeling overloaded. This is a reminder to say no to things, you do not have to burden yourself for the sake of others. Remember to care for yourself. You are important. Relax, things will get done. I know during the holiday season it feels like we have a million things to do and so little time, it's ok to deligate responsibilities and share the load. Nobody has to be a martyr. You have to live with you, take care of you as well. When you run a marathon you don't carry other members part way through the race then run, you take your own pace and charge through it. This is no different. Take what is yours to do and allow others to be responsible for theirs.
Care for yourself and remember it's ok to say no. Spend some time caring for yourself as well, your happiness is just as important.
Light and love to you.