Page of cups

The influence of the page of cups is back from the beginning of September.

As we had discussed before the page of cups is about emotions as cups represent your emotional side as well as our romantic life, cups also represent our intuition. The page of cups brings us the message of looking at our feelings this week, are we coming from a place of love and gentleness? Are we being loving and gentle to ourselves? This is a great reminder to come from your heart space and listen to your own inner promptings. Follow your heart with the innocence of a child. 

The page card in Tarot also represents the young female so this card could let you know that may be a younger female in your life could use a bit more of your loving attention right now or if you're trying to conceive a child this is fantastic news as the page of cups strongly relates to the conception of a child.

 Be good to yourself and listen to your intuition, come from a place of love for others as well as yourself. The biggest thing of all to remember is to love yourself unconditionally.

Until next week!

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