Set Your Heart Free


This message spoke deeply to me today and I feel it will stay with me for a lifetime. The message is so simple but the love behind it is powerful.


It is ok to bare what is in your heart for the world to see, you shine through your heart and when you close this off to the world, they can not see the real you, the love and the pain. Release the pains sweet child, so that the weight of your heart becomes lighter, becomes brighter and shines your true beauty....Love.

It is within the release, the tears, the anger and sorrows that you clear this space for more love to come in, for more love to shine and for you to express more of the heart centered soul you are. Do not guard your heart behind lock and key, chains suffocating your truest expression,. You are created from love, love you will be and to love you will return. See yourself as worthy, as righteous and as whole in who you are, let that love shine from you. Accept your beauty, accept your Divinity and let your heart shine, let the feelings flow from you, be who you know yourself to be. A Divine true expression of love.

Let the pains go, your are not these pains, you are not the judgement you place on yourself and you are not the judgements of others. You are not the repeating criticisms of your mind. Honor yourself, honor your heart and set it free from the chains, free from the lock, you may keep the key as a reminder that only you hold your heart hostage and only you can set it free. When you feel ready, destroy the chains, destroy the lock and key. Let your heart be free.

Live from this heart space sweet child. You will find your connections are deeper, richer and more alive than you can anticipate. The heart inside of you connects to the heart of others and in this connection you will know a Soul, the truest expression and your conected-ness. So bare your heart for the world to see, shining your light and true Divinity. Shine sweet child, release and allow. Release and allow. I see your hearts, i know what keeps them hidden within you. I ask you to set them free, release what no longer serves you and shine bright sweet child. Today is the day you no longer hold yourself hostage.

Be free

HT & M


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