Self Reliance

Welcome back everybody! 

Here is this weeks channeled message, Selene wanted to speak about the topic of self reliance this week. Lots of love to you.

Self reliance does not mean not accepting help from others, but to understand that you are the sole conductor of your life. Every choice made is made by you. Even in the reluctant adhesion to the advice of another, you ultimately are the one who decides. Even if you say no, this was not my choice, the truth in the matter is it truly was your choice. You chose this life, you chose your family, your friends your residence, it is all by your design my dear. This energy of resentment can hold no place within you when you accept that all is your decision, your choice.

This is not to discredit the emotions and pains associated with things you experience, but it is to say that you are never left the victim. You may have been subjected to many hard roads in your life but you walk them, you conquer them and you become brighter and stronger for it. The reason I am here to share with you is to teach you all about self reliance. 

My channel is asking about situations is which another has been taken advantage of in hurtful ways, These things experienced were written into your life path, you had chosen them for yourself before you have taken your physical form, these situations prepare you for the healer, the doctor, the motivator etc.. you will be when you grow from them. Many of you have experienced many tragedies in your lifetime(s) and in no way are damaged goods or less than another, it is these experiences that make you stronger, braver and able to help others who have seen or experienced the same events as yourself. You are multifaceted and this lifetime is one of many, Many of you have experienced the same pains as another even if it was not written this incarnation. You are beyond time. 

Not all times in your life you will feel you have what you need to get you through, this trouble or that situation but, I ask you to pause for a moment...and assess the situation. You do have all you need to get you through, even if you do not see it yet. The resources you need stem from within you. Nothing in pure desire is not at your fingertips beautiful ones. It is not the one next to you that dictates your life, your choices, your successes and so called failures. It is you. You are so magnificent and as time passes you see this around you, you see this within you. 

Take responsibility for your choices. Understand that as you, the conductor, you guide the symphony of your life. It is all ultimately up to you. Now when things get rough and the soprano is not where it is supposed to be and you are hearing some flat notes on the melody, know that these are the signs that those areas need more attention. If the symphony is too big, reduce its size, if it is not big enough, allow more space for expansion. set out the intention for the changes you desire. The choices are yours. The melody is your life, so pure and original, so you in all your glory. 

Self reliance my loves is knowing no matter the circumstance, you have all you need to change it. It is like running a race, you have people on the side lines observing and cheering you on, you have some that may provide you with water and food along the way but none of these people run that race for you. You ultimately are the one who decides to reach the finish line. Your life is yours. Live you life. Replace fear with courage, replace differences with love and know that you are so much greater than what you perceive in the mirror. Your tool kit is full of things you have not even seen yet and its all part of you.

You are divine inspiration and you are the magic, the fire and the light for change. It all lives within you. So next time life does not go your way, rework your orchestra and conduct your symphony. You are never alone, you all have souls in spirit who cheer you on, who provide for you in your times of need but can not make your life for you. This dear ones is solely up to you. Look deep within, use those reserves when you see them and know that you, you are the runner of your race and the conductor of your symphony. The choice is always yours.

~With love 

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