Journey for 2/1/16
Welome back!
On my journey for our message this week I flew with hawk up to the top of a mountain and listened to the words of the wind. The wind says to embrace changes, view life from an expansive viewpoint and hawk says to keep a keen eye for opportunity and when you see it get it. I was shown a diamond and was told great beauty comes from pressure and it's ok to integrate old wounds, embrace them, heal them let every facet shine. I saw the liberty bell ringing and felt the message was for us to wake up!!! Shine your beautiful light take the higher vision and when opportunities present themselves act accordingly. The winds of change are always blowing, do you change with the winds or do you brace yourself and hunker down in stagnation. Now is not the time to settle into old patterns but to allow the winds of change to be your Allie. Remember who you are, where you have been and where you are headed, honor yourself and your past to create a beautiful future.
Have a great week!!