Expanding the Capacity for Compassion
This week my guides wanted to speak a bit on compassion and expanding our capacity to view life with compassion.
its easy to express love to those things you already hold dear in your heart. How about when you experience something you disagree with? Can you look inside the situation beyond the surface? Can you see the heart of the matter? Each soul is doing the best they can within their capacity of understanding. Some views (capacity) may seem more narrow than others but this does not mean that the view is wrong, For example: When you look in a room, your eyes are drawn to one item first. At times this view can get fixated on one item, not seeing the other items in a room. It's as if the peripheral vision is lost. The capacity to view other items has been narrowed by fixating on the one item loosing the greater view.
It is valuable to keep an open mind and open heart when viewing things in life. What you may see as wrong immediately may be changed by opening up to the bigger picture, as well as looking deeper. Many people are quick to judge with only little information given. To open our hearts and minds up to a greater compassion, we must first cast aside immediate judgments. Next we must expand our field of view and allow our vision to go deeper. Practicing this will help open our heart and mind to see past immediate judgement and see the true intention or motivation behind an action or situation. With a wider field of view comes a wider capacity to see and experience. In the end, you still may judge things as right or wrong and this is fine. The key is to deepen the understanding so that we can become a deeper vessel for compassion to share with humanity. In this we will likely see just how much more we are alike than different.
Much Love and Light to you!