Energy releasing

Welcome back friends, 

 This week I want to talk about releasing energy in your life. This past week has been a big energetic release for myself and I'm sure many of you can relate. The funny thing about energy releasing is that it's not cookie cutter by any means, sometimes energy-releasing can make you feel sick as if you had the flu sometimes energy-releasing can be a burst of energy itself making you feel more active and alive. That super moon eclipse was an energizing one for me! I myself have experienced many different  waves of energy release. I have noticed through the past few months that these waves of energy releasing are coming on more and more! During times of energy releasing it's important to listen to your body and intuition because releasing energy is different for so many people.  It may seem strange but we do carry energy through multiple lifetimes that can lie dormant until triggered, be it by an event or by your guides and angels bringing them to the surface. When you start to notice you are not feeling like yourself ask your body for a message in meditation. Another great resource is your guides, they are here to help with any task you request help with. Check in!!! They will guide you on how to work through these releases.

 The main purpose of this energy release is to help clear you so that you are able to have a greater capacity to accept new changes into your life. The image I get when I think of energy-releasing is like bubbles in a sauna they rise up from the bottom sometimes little, sometimes big and then they burst at the surface releasing it all back into the vast universe.

My wish for you guys to be aware of what is going on within you, not just around you. You are an amazing energy!  Honoring yourself and working through your energy bubbles will help bring clarity in your life as well as make you a clearer channel to manifest. Honor yourself and honor your energy releasing no matter how cathartic it may be, Your light can not be copied by another, your uniqueness and radiance is one of a kind. Let that beauty shine!

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