Dancing to clear energy
Hello children of Earth,
You all emenate a beautiful color that resonates to your soul song. Many of these colors seem as though the light has dimmed and the song has silenced. You are such a magical vortex of energy and I want to help you bring this color and song to its most beautiful and brightest expression. Many of you take on so much of what you have experienced through the day that this drains you as it weighs heavy upon you. Sensitives need to clear and remember that even if you absorb it you can release it. let the energy flow in and out from around you. You do not have to burden yourself by taking on every energy you encounter. Move your body, Dance! Dance is the most natural form of expression and this clears the energy of your entire body and all its energy centers. Your ancestors danced and sang to clear and cultivate. No there is no specific dance that must be done, all that is required is the full expression of you. Put on some music that you feel connected to and let the energy flow, You have the ability to clear and cultivate just as your ancestors did, you just have forgotton how. Honor your ancestory and in doing so Honor yourself, You have been here many times before my child and this will not be the last. Allow yourself to have the freedom of full self expression, Do not worry if another is watching, people will be drawn to your song as its melody becomes louder, they will be drawn to your beautiful bright light. Shine your beautiful light for the world to see and let your song ring through the universe.