Channeling for 12/28/15

Hello loved ones, 

 In my meditation this evening I heard a male voice come in and this is his message.

Live into peace to find the answers you seek. Peace within will help create peace outside of you. Many of you souls on earth try hard to force the hand of fate not realizing you create your problems as well as solutions. You are the master of creation in your life, to get the answers you seek, you must dream them into being, many of you shake your magic wand expecting the perfect miracle to spring forth into existence, does not all life start as a seed? What seed did you plant to have sprung forth from your wand? Use this wand to help weave your dream but first this dream must come from within. The magic that comes from this wand stems from within you. You create the dream that you weave into existence. Now knowing this you must first cultivate before you can create, all life has a gestation period where growth happens behind the scenes. You create magic with each word and action you take, knowing this, take back your power back loved ones you do not need to give it away, the power does not just live with in universe it lives in you. We help you form your dreams into reality but you must remember that your contribution brings it into form. We can help you manifest but you are the magic behind the wand that creates your reality. Many blessings to you weavers of the web.


Light and love.

See you next week!

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