The Mystery Journey

Hello friends and welcome back!

This week's journey had no defined message that I could decipher, so I figure it is best to just share what I experienced and you can fill in the blanks on what this means for you. 

My journey started out flying on the back of an eagle we were flying through a sunny sky and the air was warm and to my surprise we started doing back flips in the air, these back flips became increasingly faster creating a tornado, as we descended into the ocean where I swam with a group of sharks still creating this tornado and descending further into the depths of the ocean. From the darkness of the ocean appeared a giant spider who was spinning a web of stars across the dome shaped sky. I climbed up this Web of stars to an opening in the top of the dome that then put me into the trunk of a tree, as I climbed the inner bark of the tree I noticed the web was also this trees roots. When I came out of the tree I saw a rabbit staring at me while eating grass. 

Very fun journey to take but not sure how to interpret for everyone, so I will let you decide what this means for you.

Love and light


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