Being present
This week I feel guided to talk about being present. Many of you may have heard about this from Eckhart Tolle (if not please check out his website I want to talk about being present this week in preparation for the holidays. Many of us go one day to the next with a huge list of tasks to complete: carrying the energy of a bull charging forward with it's head down. We get so focused on our list of tasks we forget to enjoy the present. Take a few minutes each day and just notice, notice what and who are around you. Forget for a short time about the list of tasks. Be present in the moment,. Take in all that is around you, the sounds, the colors, the smells, everything. Life is a series of moments we remember when we are present. Be with family and friends genuinely, all the tasks on that list can wait. Enjoy the moments of life and be one with it.
Blessings of light and Love